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Making Seed Balls

Making Seed Balls

“Remember when you were a kid and used to eat dirt? Well, this is the best,” Neiman told a group of students as he sifted one hand through a bucketful of red powder clay. “And you have to use this when making seed balls.” Neiman, who owns the Native American Seed Company in Junction, talked about restoring Texas’ diminishing tallgrass prairies as he showed the youngsters what goes into a seed ball recipe:

6 parts dry sifted clay
1 part dry sifted compost
2 parts seeds (native grasses and wildflowers)
1 part water

are mixed into a mushy dough and rolled into half-inch balls. The balls are then allowed to dry and harden. After that, they simply may be tossed on the ground; Mother Nature does the rest. – from Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine

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